Our Members

Vickey Twomey-Lee

Vickey Twomey-Lee

Vicky Twomey-Lee is a software engineer, but can be found nowadays organising community tech workshops and events with a focus on advocating diversity in the tech community. She has managed...

Vickey Twomey-Lee

Vicky Twomey-Lee is a software engineer, but can be found nowadays organising community tech workshops and events with a focus on advocating diversity in the tech community. She has managed...

Orla Sherwood

Orla Sherwood

Orla Sherwood is a PhD student in Plant Biology and studies programmed cell death in the Irish crops, barley and ryegrass. She studies how these plants grow in elevated CO2...

Orla Sherwood

Orla Sherwood is a PhD student in Plant Biology and studies programmed cell death in the Irish crops, barley and ryegrass. She studies how these plants grow in elevated CO2...

Professor Jane Gibson

Professor Jane Gibson

Jane Grimson was the first woman to graduate in Engineering from the University of Dublin, Trinity College and is a Past President of Engineers Ireland and the Irish Academy of...

Professor Jane Gibson

Jane Grimson was the first woman to graduate in Engineering from the University of Dublin, Trinity College and is a Past President of Engineers Ireland and the Irish Academy of...

Amber Higgins

Amber Higgins

Amber is a Security Engineer with Intercom in Dublin, where she works to make the Intercom product offering and ecosystem more trustworthy and secure. Having qualified with a BA, BAI and MAI...

Amber Higgins

Amber is a Security Engineer with Intercom in Dublin, where she works to make the Intercom product offering and ecosystem more trustworthy and secure. Having qualified with a BA, BAI and MAI...