WITS Documentation


All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. Women in Technology and Science WITS does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website (witsireland.com), is strictly at your own risk. Women in Technology and Science WITS will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website. 

From our website, you can visit other websites by following hyperlinks to such external sites. While we strive to provide only quality links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites. These links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Site owners and content may change without notice and may occur before we have the opportunity to remove a link which may have gone ‘bad'. 

Please be also aware that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms which are beyond our control. Please be sure to check the Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their Terms and Conditions before engaging in any business or uploading any information. 


By using our website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms. 


Should we update, amend or make any changes to this document, those changes will be prominently posted here. 

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site's disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at info (at) witsireland.com. 

September 2024 

Terms & Conditions

Women in Technology and Science (WITS) Terms and Conditions 

This agreement governs the use of the Women in Technology and Science (WITS) website www.witsireland.com, please read it carefully. By continuing to use our site you are agreeing to the terms set out below. 

1. Website Service  

This website is owned and operated by Women in Technology and Science, WITS Suite 31 The Pottery, Bakers Point, Pottery Road, Dun Laoghaire, A96 EV18.  

2. Right to use content 

All material including any intellectual property in it displayed on this website belongs to Women in Technology and Science WITS. WITS gives you the right, for your own personal or non-commercial purposes only to retrieve and display the content on your screen and print individual pages on paper. You may not store any content on any server or other storage device connected to an external network, or make any other use of the content. You may not modify, reproduce or in any way use any of the content. 

3. Limited Warranties 

Women in Technology and Science WITS will aim to make sure that this website is available to you on a continual basis. However, because of the number of sources from which WITS obtains the content and because of the nature of the Internet, WITS does not give you any other warranties. In particular, you should not take the accuracy or availability of the information for granted and WITS makes no warranty that the website is free from infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. 

4. Limitation of Liability 

Women in Technology and Science WITS will use reasonable endeavour to resolve faults in terms of the content of the website. You agree that WITS will not be responsible for any losses you may incur a result of your use or non-use of that content. 

5. Privacy Policy 

Women in Technology and Science is committed to protecting the privacy of those using the website The information that you provide about yourself to WITS will only be used by WITS in accordance with its Privacy Policy. 

6. Modifications to Website Content 

In endeavouring to improve the website and services offered, Women in Technology and Science WITS reserves the right at all times to make changes to the content, including these Terms & Conditions. You will be subject to the policies and Terms & Conditions in place at the time of your visit to the website.  

7. Links 

The website contains links to other websites and resources. Women in Technology and Science WITS will make clear where such links are being made. Independent third parties provide these sites. WITS is not responsible and shall not be liable for the availability or content of these outside resources. Please be aware that WITS is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements / terms & conditions of every website. The privacy policy highlighted in section 5 applies solely to information collected by Women in Technology and Science WITS. 

8. General  

There is no specific time limit applying to your access and use of the website. However, Women in Technology and Science reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access and use at any time. It may exercise the right with or without notice. You may not assign, sub-licence or otherwise transfer this agreement or your rights of access to the website. Failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under this agreement does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy. Irish law will apply to this Agreement and both you and Women and Technology and Science WITS agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts. All contracts that result from the use of this website are concluded in English.  Your use of this site shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Republic of Ireland. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland. Disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Ireland. 

9. Contacting Women in Technology and Science WITS 

Contact us is via our contact us page or by email info (at) witsireland.com. WITS will endeavour to reply to all correspondence as soon as possible.  

September 2024 

Privacy Policy  

Women in Technology and Science (WITS) Privacy Policy  

This policy covers how Women in Technology and Science WITS will use personal information that is collected when you use the WITS website or contact WITS by email. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. 

What is collected 

The WITS website does not store or capture any personal information when someone visits it and is not registered. The system will log your IP address along with other information provided by your browser. This may include the name and version of the browser you are using, your operating system and any website address that referred you to the WITS website. This information will only be used for producing anonymous website statistics and will be used to help us with the delivery of the services on the website. 

However the system will record personal information if you: 

  • Provide information by joining WITS as a member 
  • Register for WITS events that require personal information to be given 
  • Contact WITS and give us your contact details for us to respond 


When you visit the WITS website pages, a small text file called a 'cookie', is downloaded onto your computer.  This is called a session cookie. This will only remain on your computer until you close your browser. This cookie is not used to identify you personally in any way.  We will use this type of cookie to collect aggregated website statistics that allow us to understand how visitors use the site. All of the information collected will be anonymous and only used to help us improve the website and report to funders on usage. 

A persistent cookie will be downloaded when you first visit the site. These remain in your browser’s cookie store between sessions. This type of cookie will allow us to identify repeat visitors to the site.   

You may opt to view the site without cookies by adjusting your browser's settings. If you do disable cookies some functions of the site may no longer work correctly. 

For more information on cookies see the All About Cookies website

What we will do with your information 

Any information that is collected by Women in Technology and Science from this website will only be used for monitoring purposes unless you have given us consent for your information to be used e.g. providing us with your email address so we can contact you, if you have joined WITS as a member, if you have registered for an event so that we can get back to you. We send all members relevant information about WITS and its work.  

We will ensure that all personal information supplied is held securely, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Irish legislation, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, the Irish Data Protection Act (1988), and the Irish Data Protection (Amendment) Act (2003). The data controller is Women in Technology and Science WITS. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact us by email info (at) witsireland.com.  

Your rights 

From May 2018 you have enhanced rights over how your personal data is held, processed and stored, and Women in Technology and Science WITS is committed to upholding and meeting these. They include the requirements that data be: 

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner 
  • Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes 
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary 
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date 
  • Retained only for as long as necessary 
  • Processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security. 

Access to information 

Any formal, written request by a Data Subject for a copy of their personal data (a Subject Access Request) will be referred, as soon as possible, to the Data Protection Officer, and will be processed as soon as possible. 

It is intended that by complying with these guidelines, Women in Technology and Science WITS will adhere to best practice regarding the applicable data protection legislation.  

Changes to our privacy policy 

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. 

The information on this page was last updated on 23 September 2024.   

Data Protection Policy


Women in Technology and Science is a voluntary, independent organisation advocating, connecting and acting for women to benefit society as full and vital participants in STEM.  

The purpose of this document is to provide a clear policy statement regarding the Data Protection obligations of Women in Technology and Science. This includes obligations in dealing with personal data, in order to ensure that the organisation complies with the requirements of the relevant Irish legislation, namely the General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, the Irish Data protection Act (1988), and the Irish Data protection (Amendment) Act (2003). 


Women in Technology and Science must comply with the data protection principles set out in the relevant legislation. This policy applies to all personal data collected, processed and stored by Women in Technology and Science in relation to its members and guests in the course of its activities. Women in Technology and Science makes no distinction between the rights of data subjects, all are treated equally under this policy. 


The policy covers both personal and sensitive personal data held in relation to data subjects by Women in Technology and Science. The policy applies equally to personal data held in manual and automated form. 

All personal and sensitive personal data will be treated with equal care by Women in Technology and Science. Both categories will be equally referred-to as personal data in this policy, unless specifically stated otherwise. 

This policy should be read in conjunction with the associated GDPR document that outlines the Subject Access Request procedure, Data Retention and Destruction, the Data Retention Periods List and the Data Loss Notification procedure. 

 Women in Technology and Science (WITS) as a Data Controller 

In the course of its daily organisational activities, Women in Technology and Science acquires, processes and stores personal data in relation to: 

•     Members of Women in Technology and Science  

•     Speakers and guests of Women in Technology and Science  

•     Third party service providers engaged by Women in Technology and Science  

In accordance with the Irish data protection legislation, this data must be acquired and managed fairly. Not all WITS voluntary administrators will be expected to be experts in data protection legislation. However, Women in Technology and Science is committed to ensuring that its voluntary administrators have sufficient awareness of the legislation in order to be able to anticipate and identify a data protection issue, should one arise. In such circumstances, administrators must ensure that the Data Protection Officer is informed, and in order that appropriate corrective action is taken. 

Due to the nature of the services provided by Women in Technology and Science, there is regular and active exchange of personal data between Women in Technology and Science and its Data Subjects. In addition, Women in Technology and Science exchanges personal data with Data Processors on the Data Subjects’ behalf. 

This is consistent with Women in Technology and Science’s obligations under the terms of its contract with its Data Processors. 

This policy provides the guidelines for this exchange of information, as well as the procedure to follow in the event that a Women in Technology and Science administrator is unsure whether such data can be disclosed. 

In general terms, the administrator should consult with the Data Protection Officer to seek clarification. 

Subject Access Requests 

Any formal, written request by a data subject for a copy of their personal data (a Subject Access Request) will be referred, as soon as possible, to the Data Protection Officer, and will be processed as soon as possible. 

It is intended that by complying with these guidelines, Women in Technology and Science will adhere to best practice regarding the applicable data protection legislation. 

Third-Party Processors  

In the course of its role as Data Controller, Women in Technology and Science uses a number of data processors to process personal data on its behalf. These data processors include: 

  • Mailchimp for newsletters and event information.  
  • PayPal for membership and events (where appropriate) payment  
  • Eventbrite for event bookings 
  • Google for WITS documentation and archive storage. 
  • WhatsApp for Executive and sub-committee communication 
  • Skype/Zoom for Executive meetings.   


The Data Protection Principles  

The following key principles are enshrined in the Irish legislation and are fundamental to the Women in Technology and Science’s Data Protection Policy. 

In its capacity as Data Controller, Women in Technology and Science ensures that all data shall: 


For data to be obtained fairly, the data subject will, at the time the data are being collected, be made aware of: 

•     The identity of the Data Controller (Women in Technology and Science) 

•     The purpose(s) for which the data is being collected 

•     The person(s) to whom the data may be disclosed by the Data Controller 

•     Any other information that is necessary so that the processing may be fair. 

Women in Technology and Science will meet this obligation in the following way. 

•     Where possible, the informed consent of the data subject will be sought before their data is processed; 

•     Where it is not possible to seek consent, Women in Technology and Science  will ensure that collection of the data is justified under one of the other lawful processing conditions – legal obligation, contractual necessity, etc.; 

•     Where Women in Technology and Science intends to record activity on video, a Fair Processing Notice will be posted in full view; 

•     Processing of the personal data will be carried out only as part of Women in Technology and Science’s lawful activities, and Women in Technology and Science will safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject; 

•     The data subject’s data will not be disclosed to a third party other than to a party contracted to Women in Technology and Science and operating on its behalf. 


Women in Technology and Science will obtain data for purposes which are specific, lawful and clearly stated. A data subject will have the right to question the purpose(s) for which Women in Technology and Science holds their data, and Women in Technology and Science  will be able to clearly state that purpose or purposes. 


Any use of the data by Women in Technology and Science will be compatible with the purposes for which the data was acquired. 


Women in Technology and Science will employ high standards of security in order to protect the personal data under its care. Appropriate security measures will be taken to protect against unauthorised access to, or alteration, destruction or disclosure of any personal data held by Women in Technology and Science in its capacity as Data Controller. 

Access to and management of members’ records is limited to those administrators / Executive members who have appropriate authorisation and password access. 


Women in Technology and Science will: 

•     ensure that administrative and IT validation processes are in place to conduct regular assessments of data accuracy; 

•     conduct periodic reviews and audits to ensure that relevant data is kept accurate and up-to- date. Women in Technology and Science conducts a review of sample data every year to ensure accuracy.  

•     conduct regular assessments in order to establish the need to keep certain personal data. 


Women in Technology and Science will ensure that the data it processes in relation to data subjects are relevant to the purposes for which those data are collected. Data which are not relevant to such processing will not be acquired or maintained. 


Women in Technology and Science has identified the data retention requirements for each type of data, in both a manual and automated format. 

Once the respective retention period has elapsed, Women in Technology and Science undertakes to destroy, erase or otherwise put this data beyond use. 


Women in Technology and Science has implemented a Subject Access Request procedure by which to manage such requests in an efficient and timely manner, within the timelines stipulated in the legislation. 

 Data Subject Access Requests 

As part of the day-to-day operation of the organisation, Women in Technology and Science’s administrators engage in active and regular exchanges of information with data subjects. Where a formal request is submitted by a data subject in relation to the data held by Women in Technology and Science, such a request gives rise to access rights in favour of the Data Subject. 

There are specific time-lines within which Women in Technology and Science must respond to the data subject, depending on the nature and extent of the request. These are outlined in the FAQ Guide to Subject Access Requests.  

Women in Technology and Science’s administrators will ensure that, where necessary, such requests are forwarded to the Data Protection Officer in a timely manner, and they are processed as quickly and efficiently as possible, but within not more than 40 days from receipt of the request. 


As a data controller, Women in Technology and Science ensures that any entity which processes personal data on its behalf (a data processor) does so in a manner compliant with the data protection legislation. 

Failure of Women in Technology and Science’s administrators to process personal data in compliance with this policy will result in changes to the administration of Women in Technology and Science.  

October 2023 





For the avoidance of doubt, and for consistency in terminology, the following definitions will apply within this Policy. 


This includes both automated and manual data. 

Automated data means data held on computer, or stored with the intention that it is processed on computer. 

Manual data means data that is processed as part of a relevant filing system, or which is stored with the intention that it forms part of a relevant filing system. 

Personal Data 

Information concerning or relating to an living person who is either identified or identifiable (such a person is referred to as a ‘data subject’), in conjunction with other data which is likely to come into the legitimate possession of the Data Controller. (If in doubt, Women in Technology and Science refers to the definition issued by the Data Protection Commission and updated from time to time.) 

Sensitive Personal Data 

A particular category of Personal Data, relating to: Racial or Ethnic Origin, Political Opinions, Religious, Ideological or Philosophical beliefs, Trade Union membership, Information relating to mental or physical health, information in relation to one’s sexual orientation, information in relation to commission of a crime and information relating to conviction for a criminal offence.  

Women in Technology and Science does NOT collect or process sensitive personal data.  

Data Controller 

A person or entity who, either alone or with others, controls the content and use of Personal Data by determining the purposes and means by which that Personal Data is processed. 

Data Subject 

A living individual who is the subject of the Personal Data, i.e. to whom the data relates either directly or indirectly. 

Data Processor 

A person or entity who processes Personal Data on behalf of a Data Controller on the basis of a formal, written contract, but who is not an employee of the Data Controller, processing such Data in the course of his/her employment. 

Data Protection Officer 

A person appointed by Women in Technology and Science to monitor compliance with the appropriate Data Protection legislation, to deal with Subject Access Requests, and to respond to data protection queries from members, speakers and guests.  



Relevant Filing System 

Any set of information in relation to living individuals which is not processed by means of equipment operating automatically (computers), and that is structured, either by reference to individuals, or by reference to criteria relating to individuals, in such a manner that specific information relating to an individual is readily retrievable. 


September 2024


GDPR Policy


1. About WITS 1 

2. Personal data 1 

3. Communicating with WITS members and non-members 4 

4. WITS GDPR Statements 5 


  1. About WITS  

Women in Technology and Science is a voluntary, independent organisation advocating, connecting and acting for women to benefit society as full and vital participants in STEM.  

2. Personal data  

Personal data collected from members of the Executive Committee 

  • First name, last name 
  • Email address 
  • Address 
  • Date of Birth 

Personal data collected from members  

  • First name, last name 
  • Email address 
  • County of residence (MailChimp) 
  • Address (from PayPal for receipts only)  
  • Membership status – current year of membership   
  • Photographs and profiles for WITS website as provided by member 
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events 


Personal data collected from non-members 

Speakers at WITS events  

  • First name, last name 
  • Email address 
  • Phone number  
  • Photograph and profile to advertise events 
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events 


Attendees at WITS events that are not WITS Members: 

  • First name, last name 
  • Email address 
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events  

Shared events i.e., WITS shares an event with another organisation 

Two options 

  • WITS manages the booking and the data as per a WITS event. Data collected is then the same as personal data collected from non-members for WITS events (see above). 
  • Another organisation manages the booking data and WITS notes the number of attendees. If consent is explicitly given then WITS may email attendees with information about WITS.  


Where is WITS holding the data and who has access to the data?  

  • Google Drive: WITS Executive Members 
  • Microsoft OneDrive: WITS Executive Members 
  • Mailchimp: WITS Executive members & WITS Admin 
  • Eventbrite: WITS Executive members & WITS Admin  
  • PayPal: WITS Treasurer 
  • WhatsApp: WITS Executive and Sub-committee communication – closed groups 
  • Social Media: WITS Executive members & WITS Admin  
  • Archive files & a current corporate membership file are kept on Microsoft OneDrive. 
  • WITS closed groups on WhatsApp with the relevant WITS executive members  
  • Mailchimp mailing list WITS account 
  • Personal data related to the organisation and execution of WITS events is kept on Eventbrite 
  • PayPal for data related to WITS membership payment 
  • Paper attendance sheets are punctually used at events  
  • Social media: 
  • X (formerly Twitter) https://twitter.com/WITSIreland 
  • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/witsireland/ 
  • LinkedIn company page https://www.linkedin.com/company/15867569/admin/  
  • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/witsireland/ 

Why is WITS holding this personal data? 

For the Members of the Executive Committee 

  • To carry WITS activities 
  • For communication 

For members  

  • To have a current membership list 
  • To have a membership list for the previous four years 
  • To circulate the WITS newsletter using Mailchimp 
  • To circulate news of WITS events using Mailchimp 
  • To process membership payment using PayPal 
  • To archive membership lists on OneDrive  
  • To survey attendees after a WITS event 
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events for WITSWORDS newsletter, WITS website and WITS social media 

For speakers 

  • To advertise a WITS event 
  • As a record of the event  
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events for WITSWORDS newsletter and WITS website 


For non-members 

  • To have a record of booking for an event 
  • To be able to contact people if event details change 
  • To survey attendees after a WITS event 
  • Photographs and videos taken at WITS events for WITSWORDS newsletter and WITS website 


How did WITS obtain the personal data? 

  • From members when they join or renew their membership 
  • From speakers when they agree to speak at a WITS event  
  • From non-members when they book an event via the WITS website or Eventbrite 


Why it was originally gathered 

  • From members to join WITS, to be able to participate to WITS events and initiatives and to receive WITS newsletters, as part of the membership they sign up for 
  • From speakers to advertise a WITS event at which they are speaking  

From non-members to book a place at a WITS event that they wish to attend 

How is it processed?  


  • WITS memberships – previously added to WITS membership spreadsheet (up to 2023), now added to Mailchimp 
  • WITS website event bookings – scanned attendance sheets  



  • WITS memberships list 
  • Mailchimp emails  
  • Eventbrite attendance lists 
  • PayPal for membership and paid events 


How long will WITS retain it?  


  • Membership information five years  
  • Event bookings on Eventbrite 5 years 
  • Signed paper attendance sheets until the AGM of the current year.  
  • AGM attendance sheets until the minutes are approved at the next AGM.  
  • AGM minutes attendance names in perpetuity 
  • Photographs on the WITS website & social media and in WITSWORDS in perpetuity 


Members of the Executive Committee 

  • Full names of attendees and apologies in Executive Meetings’ Minutes and AGM’s Minutes in perpetuity 



  • A summary of the event and photographs on the WITS website, on WITS social media and in WITSWORDS in perpetuity 



  • Event bookings on Eventbrite 5 years 
  • Photographs on the WITS website & social media and in WITSWORDS in perpetuity 
  • AGM minutes attendance names in perpetuity 


How secure is the data, both in terms of encryption and accessibility?  

  • Current and archive membership files are stored on WITS OneDrive (password protected) accessed by the Officers. Current membership files can be on an Executive Member’s local device (needed for the gathering and filing of Year end documents work). 
  • Individual and Student memberships list as well as WITS mailing list are kept on Mailchimp (password protected) with access by Executive members & WITS Admin who issue the newsletter.  

Does WITS ever share it with third parties and on what basis might WITS do so?  


On occasion WITS circulates members with third party information that is consistent with WITS mission and values.  


3. Communicating with WITS members and non-members 

WITS collects personal data  

  • via the membership subscription page on its website 
  • via the WITS membership PayPal link on payment of the annual membership fee 
  • via event bookings pages on the WITS website or Eventbrite.  
  • Personal data may also be collected by email to info@witsireland.com.  

The legal basis that WITS has to process personal data is consent.  

To comply with the GDPR WITS has a statement for members:  

  • about WITS 
  • our reasons for gathering the data 
  • the use it will be put to 
  • who it will be disclosed to a 
  • the legal basis for processing the data – consent (see GDPR doc p. 8)  
  • retention periods 
  • the right of complaint where members are unhappy with our implementation of any of the criteria 
  • whether the data is subject to automatic decision making 
  • their individual rights under GDPR i.e. subject access, to have accuracies corrected, to have information erased, to object to direct marketing, to restrict the processing of their information, including automated decision-making and data portability.  

For student affiliate membership WITS asks students to confirm that they are over 18 years of age.  

There is a shorter brief statement for non-members.  


4. WITS GDPR Statements  

Women in Technology and Science (WITS) GDPR Members Statement October 2023    

Women in Technology and Science is a voluntary, independent organisation advocating, connecting and acting for women to benefit society as full and vital participants in STEM.  

Women in Technology and Science holds personal information on all of our members, and for past members (up to five years). The term members covers all categories of membership. 

Generally, this information is: 

Name, Address (for receipts only), Financial data on association activities (e.g. membership fees paid or due), Pictures (usually of members and participants at WITS events), Data relating to term of membership (date joined, current membership status), Contact information (email addresses, phone numbers for events). 

The personal data is collected via the membership page on the WITS website, emails to WITS and event bookings pages on the WITS website or Eventbrite. Personal data may also be collected via the WITS membership form. This data has been provided voluntarily by members and gives the legal basis that WITS has to process personal data as consent.  

WITS maintains this data in electronic formats. Paper attendance sheets are used at events. Event  and membership data are retained for five years.  Any financial data is held for a minimum of 7 years, to comply with financial regulations. 

WITS does NOT and WILL NOT share this data with any commercial organization except for the following: 

  • Data Processors such as Mailchimp, PayPal, Eventbrite, Shopify and Microsoft.  
  • Media outlets (for Women in STEM stories) 
  • WITS also, from time to time, publishes data on members’ activities with their consent on the WITS website. 

WITS is committed to protecting members’ data but we are obliged to obtain members permission to use this data, but only in the manner outlined above. Members should note that they must explicitly provide this permission. Without this permission, it is illegal for WITS to use such information in any way. 

WITS is a voluntary membership organisation with no paid staff. WITS members who have access to the membership information in the course of their normal duties are informed of its confidentiality. All electronic data is stored in password protected files on local members’ computers and in Microsoft OneDrive only, and paper-based data is stored in a secure location accessible to authorised Executive members only. 

WITS undertakes to provide any member who requests it, copies of all relevant personal data held, and to delete this data should the member so request, and such data is not needed for WITS operations.  

WITS appoints a Data Protection Officer annually who is a member of the Executive Committee.  

Women in Technology and Science GDPR Non-members Statement: 

WITS gets explicit approval from all non-members e.g. speakers and guests at events, to use relevant data (e.g. name and where appropriate biography to be published on our website or local and national media). 

September 2024