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The Leaky Pipeline
This comprehensive resource examines the phenomenon where women and minorities disproportionately leave STEM fields at various stages of their careers. Through in-depth studies, personal narratives, and strategic recommendations, learn about the factors contributing to this attrition and the innovative solutions being implemented to retain diverse talent.

The Leaky Pipeline
Springer.com: Fixing the Leaky Pipeline for Talented Women in STEM | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Oxford Academic (oup.com): Fixing the Leaky Pipeline: Women Scientists in Academia | Journal of Animal Science (subscription required)
Cam.ac.uk: The 'Leaky Pipeline' in STEM - Women Who Leave Academia
Frontiersin.org: What Makes the Pipeline Leak? Women’s Gender-Based Rejection Sensitivity and Men’s Hostile Sexism as Predictors of Expectations of Success for Their Own and the Respective Other Gender Group
Arxiv.org: Addressing the “Leaky Pipeline: A Review and Categorization of Actions to Recruit and Retain in Computing Education
THe Leaky Pipeline